Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Beauty Icon: Marilyn Monroe

        Another very famous beauty icon I decided to take some time to research more about, is Marilyn Monroe. Monroe lived a very interesting life. It was full of many ups and downs. I found all of the following information on the websites Biography, Marie Claire, Notable Biographies, Metro UK, History 1900s, and History Today. To learn more about her journey, read below!

           Norma Jeane Mortenson was born on June 1, 1926 in Los Angeles, California. When she was baptized, she was given the name Norma Jeane Baker instead. She never knew her father, but her mother was a woman named Gladys. Gladys was diagnosed with schizophrenia and placed into a mental institution. One of Norma Jeane’s earliest memories included her mother attempting to suffocate her with a pillow. After her mother was put under psychiatric care, she was placed into orphanages and foster care. A married couple and family friends, Grace and Doc, took Norma in as a foster child for $25 per week. They were a religious and strict couple- she wasn’t even allowed to watch movies or television. However, when the couple moved to the East coast, they could not afford to take Norma along with them, so she was placed back into foster care. It is said that around the age of 11 she was sexually assaulted. To escape the harsh world of foster system abuse, she decided to drop out of school and marry her neighbor and boyfriend Jimmy Dougherty. The two married on April 19, 1942. Jimmy was a marine merchant who was deployed to the south pacific, and in the meantime Norma Jeane worked at a Radio Plane Company in Van Nuys, California. While working here, she was discovered by photographer David Conover, who introduced her to the modeling industry.

           Once entering this industry, she eventually signed a contract with The Blue Book Model Agency. She was then convinced to get a nose job, to go blonde (because she was naturally brunette) and to change her name. This is how she became Marilyn Monroe. Marilyn was happy with these changes, because she looked to Lana Turner and Jean Harlow as inspirations.  During her modeling years, she posed for numerous photographers. There was one, Tom Kelley, who wanted to photograph her nude. At first she disagreed, but when she was in desperate need for money she decided to go through with it. She signed her name on the contract as Mona Monroe. When the photographs came to surface, she took honest responsibility for it, which gained her both sympathy and respect. These photographs, famously known as the red velvet session (due to the velvet backdrop) became the cover page and cover spread of the first Playboy magazine. This was just the start to the career of this famous beauty and sex icon.

           When Marilyn’s husband returned home in 1946, he was not thrilled with her modeling, and forced her to choose between their marriage and her career. Marilyn chose her career, and so the two divorced. It was around this time she was also discovered by Ben Lyon, and signed to 20th Century Fox.  She had always dreamed of becoming an actress, so this was an exciting step forward. Her acting career took off in the 1950’s when she starred in The Asphalt Jungle and It’s All About Eve. Here she met her makeup artist, Allan Whitey Snyder, who applied her makeup from her first movie all the way until her funeral. The two developed a specific and extensive look together; a look that is still iconic today. (To learn how to do Marilyn Monroe Makeup CLICK HERE)

After her first couple of films, she then went on to star in Niagara, and then worked alongside Jane Russell in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes. Other well-known Monroe movies, which were mostly comedies, included How to Marry a Millionaire, There’s No Business like Show Business, and The Seven Year Itch. The Seven Year Itch was the film that included her famous scene of standing above a subway vent with her white dress in the air. Around the time of these films, she also married her second husband- Joe DiMaggio. The two married on January 14, 1954 and became a famous couple- for a short time that is. On October 27, 1954 the two divorced…yes, only after nine months of marriage! It was believed that Monroe being a sex symbol highly bothered DiMaggio, and that it eventually separated the two.

Marilyn grew tired of being a stereotypical “dumb blonde” and moved to New York City to study acting with Lee Strasberg. She was said to lack confidence in her acting abilities both before and during her training. In fact, she suffered from performance anxiety that made her feel ill. Because of this, she was often late to film sets or did not show at all. This obviously created tension with her casts and crews and she was constantly signed and release with various movie studios.  After she trained in NYC, she tried to start her own film production company along with starring in the production Bus Stop. This was when she met playwright Arthur Miller- her third husband. Miller actually wrote the script The Misfits for her. The two married (on my birthday) June 29, 1956 and divorced January 24, 1961. It was said that Marilyn discovered that Arthur found her too dependable and regretted their marriage; after this their relationship was never the same and eventually it led to their separation.

            Later, in 1959, she went on to star in Some Like it Hot, and won a Golden Globe for Best Actress in Comedy (pictured above). The previous year, 1958, she also won an Italian David di Donatello award for Best Foreign Actress. However, between the years of 1960-1962 her career started to go downhill. Her last few films were box office disappointments. In fact, her last completed film ended up being The Misfits, and even that received poor reviews. In 1962, she was dismissed from the movie set for Something’s Got to Give for her continuous tardiness and absence. Dean Martin was also a part of the movie and refused to film without her so it never completed production.  On July 19, 1962, she sang her famous Happy Birthday to President John F. Kennedy. It’s believed that the two were involved in an affair. Apparently Monroe called Jackie Kennedy and came clean about it all.

              On August 5, 1962, at the age of 36 years old, Marilyn Monroe was found dead in her home, near a bottle of empty sleeping pills. Some believe she committed suicide, some believe it was an accident, and some believe she was murdered. It was declared as an overdose, so the truth forever remains a mystery. At her funeral, she was buried in her favorite Emilio Pucci dress inside a Cadillac Casket . Lee Strasberg delivered a eulogy and Hugh Hefner bought the plot next to Monroe’s. Her ex-husband Joe DiMaggio famously delivered roses to her grave every year, for the next 20 years, until his own passing. Over half a century later, while numerous beauty and sex icons have come and gone, none have been as memorable and loved as Monroe. Multiple merchandise products, movies and books have been published and sold about her life, her makeup look is style highly popular, her quotes and pictures still constantly seen and quoted all around us; and there is now even a facial piercing named “The Monroe” after her famous (but actually fake) beauty mark! Overall, Marilyn Monroe will forever be a major beauty icon to the world. 

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